E&ERPCVs/Staff Authors U-Z
Vestal, Theodore, (Staff 1964-66)
The Eisenhower Court and Civil Liberties
Praeger, 2002
Vestal, Theodore, (Staff 1964-66)
Ethiopia: A Post-Cold War African State
Praeger Publishing, 1999
Vestal, Theodore, (Staff 1964-66)
Freedom of Association in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
African Studies Center, 1998
Vestal, Theodore, (Staff 1964-66)
International Education: Its History and Promise for Today
Praeger, 1994
Vestal, Theodore, (Staff 1964-66)
The Lion of Judah in the New World: Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia and the Shaping of American’s Attitudes Toward Africa
Praeger, 2011
Vestal, Theodore, (Staff 1964-66)
Primis Political Science
McGraw Hill, 1997
Wells, Ted (Shileh, Kelam 1968-71
The Old Man in the Bag and other True Stories of Good Intentions
CreateSpace, 2012
Wells, Ted (Shileh, Kelam 1968-71
Power, Chaos, and Consensus: Consocratic Theory
CreateSpace, 2012
Wiley, David (Assella 1962-64)
Designs for a Utopian Zoo: Selected Poetry of David Wiley
The Paper Plant
Wofford, Harris (Director 1962-64)
Embers of the world
Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1970.
Wofford, Harris (Director 1962-64)
Of Kennedys and Kings: Making Sense of the Sixties
University of Pittsburgh Press, 1992
Wofford, Harris (Director 1962-64)
We shall overcome : the story of President Johnson and civil rights in America
[U.S. Information Service], [1966]
Woods, John (Jimma 1965-68)
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Quality Terms and Concepts
McGraw-Hill, 1995