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E&ERPCVs/Staff Authors A-G

Photo by Janet Lee

E&ERPCVs/Staff Authors A-G

Adamson, Hugh Douglas (Debra Marcos, Makelle 1967-69)
Academic competence: Theory and classroom practice
Longman, 1993.

Adamson, Hugh Douglas (Debra Marcos, Makelle 1967-69)
Language minority students in American schools: An education in English
Erlbaum, 2005

Adamson, Hugh Douglas (Debra Marcos, Makelle 1967-69)
Interlanguage variation in theoretical and pedagogical perspective.
Routledge, 2009

Adamson, Hugh Douglas (Debra Marcos, Makelle 1967-69)
Linguistics and English Literature: An Introduction
Cambridge University Press, 2019

Adamson, Hugh Douglas (Debra Marcos, Makelle 1967-69)
Variation theory and second language acquisition
Georgetown University Press, 1988

Albritton, Robert (Harar, Asmara 1963-65)
Dialectics and Deconstruction in Political Economy
St. Martin’s Press, 1999

Albritton, Robert (Harar, Asmara 1963-65)
Eco-socialism for Now and the Future:  Practical Utopies and Rational Action
Cham, 2019

Albritton, Robert (Harar, Asmara 1963-65)
A Japanese Approach to Political Economy: Unoist Variations
St. Martins, 1995

Albritton, Robert  (Harar, Asmara 1963-65)
A Japanese Approach to States of Capitalistic Development
Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, 2016

Albritton, Robert (Harar, Asmara 1963-65)
Let Them eat Junk: How Capitalism Creates Hunger and Obesity
Arbeiter Ring Pub., 2009

Albritton, Robert  (Harar, Asmara 1963-65)
New Dialectics Political Economy
Palgrave Macmillan, 2003

Albritton, Robert  (Harar, Asmara 1963-65)
Politics in the American States, a Comparative Analysis
Scott, Foresman/Little, Brown Higher Education, 1990

Allen, Hayward (Harar 1962-64)
The Great Blue Heron
NorthWord Press, 2000

Allen, Hayward (Harar 1962-64)
Running Around Madison: Routes and Byways for Runners
Hare Press:  1984

Allen, Hayward (Harar 1962-64)
A Traveler’s Guide to Native American.  The Northwest Region
NorthWord Press, 1998.

Allen, Hayward (Harar 1962-64)
A Traveler’s Guide to Native America. The Southwest Region.
NorthWord Press, 1993

Armstrong, William H. (Staff, 1966-68)
Major McKinley: William McKinley and the Civil War
Kent State University Press, 2000

Bachrach, Shlomo
Ethiopian Folk-tales
Oxford University Press, nd

Banister, Michael
Around the Horn and Back
Ravenous Press, 2020

Banister, Michael
Spherical Astrolabe
Smashwords, 2020

Banister, Michael
Stolen Identity
Smashwords, 2015

Bartley, Gene L., John Scott Porterfield, Alan Schnur, James W. Skelton (editors)
Eradicating Smallpox in Ethiopia
Peace Corps Writers, 2019

Beil, Marian Haley ed. (Debre Berhan 1962-64)
Eritrea Remembered
Peace Corps Writers, 2011

Benjamin, Martin (Gondar 1962-64), Joy Curtis
Ethics in Nursing: Cases, Principles, and Reasoning
Oxford University Press, 1981, 4th ed. 2010

Benjamin, Martin (Gondar 1962-64), William B. Weil (editors)
Ethical Issues at the Outset of Life
Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1987

Benjamin, Martin (Gondar 1962-64)
Splitting the Difference: Compromise and Integrity in Ethics and Politics
University Press of Kansas, 1990

Benjamin, Martin (Gondar 1962-64)
Philosophy & This Actual World
Rowman & Littlefield, 2003

Cecchini, Leo (Asmara 1962-64)
Face to Face with the Global Economy 
Independently Published, 2019

Cohen, John M. (1964-66)
The Administration of Rural Development Projects
Cambridge, 1979

Cohen, John M. (1964-66)
Integrated Rural Development
Red Sea Press

Cohen, John M. (1964-66)
Integrated Rural Development in Ethiopia: CADU after 1974
Harvard Institute for Economic Development, 1986

Cohen, John M. (1964-66)
Integrated Rural Development: the Ethiopian Experiment and Debate
Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1987

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
At Home in the World: The Peace Corps Story
USGPO, 1996

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
Better Golf
Follette, 1972

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
By Hand: A Guide to Schools and Careers in Crafts, with Tom Hebert
Dutton, 1974

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
Brothers & Sisters
Dutton, 1986

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
The Caddie Who Knew Ben Hogan
St. Martin’s Griffin, 2007

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
The Caddie Who Played with Hickory
St. Martin’s Griffin, 2009

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
Child of Shadows
Warner Books, 1990

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
Warner Books, 1989

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
Getting Skilled: A Guide to Private Trade and Technical Schools, with Tom Hebert
Dutton, 1972

Coyne, John, editor (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
Going Up Country, Travel Essays by Peace Corps Writers
Scribner’s, 1994

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
Dover Publications, 2015

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
The hunting Season
Macmillan, 1987

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
The Legacy
Berkeley 1979

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
Letters from the Peace Corps (contributor)
Robert B. Luce, Inc., 1964

Coyne, John  (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
Long ago and Far Away
Peace Corps Writers, 2014

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
New Golf for Women
Doubleday, 1973

Coyne, John, editor and contributor (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
Peace Corps: The Great Adventure
USGPO, 1997

Coyne, John, editor (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
Peace Corps Writers Talk About Their Craft:  Talking with…(21 Interviews)
RPCV Writers & Readers, 1992

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
The Piercing
G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1979

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
Playing with the Pros: Golf Instruction from the Senior Tour
Dutton, 1990

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
The Searing
G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1980

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
The Shroud
Berkley, 1983

Coyne, John (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
This Way Out: A Guide to Alternatives to Traditional College Education in the United States, Europe and the Third World (with Tom Herbert)
Dutton, 1972

Coyne, John, editor and contributor (Addis Ababa 1962-67)
To Touch the World: The Peace Corps Experience
USGPO, 1994

Davis, F. B.  (Gore 1963-65)
Wasteland Press, 2007

Dintenfass, Mark (Addis Ababa, 1964-66)
The case against Org 
Little Brown, 1970 

Dintenfass, Mark (Addis Ababa, 1964-66)
The loving place 
Morrow, 1986  

Dintenfass, Mark (Addis Ababa, 1964-66)
Make yourself an earthquake 
Little Brown, 1969 

Dintenfass, Mark (Addis Ababa, 1964-66)
Montgomery Street 
Harper & Row, 1978 

Dintenfass, Mark (Addis Ababa, 1964-66)  
Old world, new world  
Morrow, 1982 

Downey, Marty and Hugh with Stephen Foehr  (Debark 1965-66)
On heart’s edge: the story of love and adventure in Africa.
Mikeren Publication, 1996

Foehr, Stephen (Debark 1965-66)
Dancing with Fidel
Sanctuary, 2001

Foehr, Stephen  (Debark 1965-66)
Jamaican warriors: reggae, roots, and culture
Sanctuary, 2000

Foehr, Stephen (Debark 1965-66)
Stealing Fortune's Brick: The Audacious Tea Heist
Foehr & Son Publisher, 2020

Foehr, Stephen (Debark 1965-66)
Waking up in Jamaica
Sanctuary, 2002

Foehr, Stephen (Debark 1965-66)
Waking up in Nashville
Sanctuary, 2002

Foehr, Stephen (Debark 1965-66)
Waking Up in New Orleans: A Musical Tour of the Big Easy
Sanctuary, 2004

Goulet, John (1964-66)
Yvette in America:  A Sequential Novel
University Press of Colorado, 2000

Grigg, Irma B., as told by Sue and Brad Coady (Felegeneway, Gema Gofa1968–71)
Three Years In Gemu Gofa
Vantage Press, 1974